Friday, March 20, 2009

Family Trees and other frustrations

Welcome to my Dwyer Family Tree.
My ancestor, Edward Patrick Dwyer was born in 1837 in Tipperary Ireland, and came to Australia in the late 1850's. He later married Ellen Johanna Kearney in 1862. They lived in Redfern and then moved to Armidale, then Uralla where Edward was poundkeeper. Edward and Ellen moved to Kempsey NSW where he worked as an auctioneer until he retired. Ellen died in 1898 and was buried in Gore Hill cemetery. Edward and Ellen had 11 children!
Edward married Agnes Catherine Smith in 1904. Edward died in 1922, and is buried in West Kempsey cemetery.
I have been researching the family tree on and off for about 20yrs or so. It has become easier with the advent of the internet and the release of information to various websites. It has gradually become an addiction that has grown and grown and grown. Even though I have now been able to get past one "brick wall" I'm sure there are many other's out there just lurking about the ethernet, waiting for their opportunity to leap out when you least expect it.

My husband is NOT enamoured of genealogy, UNLESS it contains something really interesting ... and involving HIS side of the family tree! His side of the tree is quite interesting as it contains a lot of convicts ... hmmm that explains a lot right there! LOL. He also can't understand my proclivity to lurk about in graveyards and take names or photos. He feels rather strongly that I am only a breath away from obtaining an overcoat and spotting trains!

I have included some genealogy websites that I have found valuable to my research over the years, especially those that provide information for free. I have found that some sites want to charge you for information that you can get for free ... if you know the place to look.

Anyway hope you enjoy reading the blogg.
Happy digging.


  1. Hello Bettina, I'm researching my Tipperary Dwyer ancestors. Can I get in touch with you somehow? My email: Thanks, Linda

  2. Hi mate, my great nanna Helen sprung from Tipperary and Tralee Ireland. She had this crest on her door and even though she passed many moons ago, the house has been passed down through generations and still has this crest. I remember her as my Nanna Helen (i’ve only recently been told Nanna disliked the name Helena, hence Helen) who got everybody together around Christmas time for a singalong. She used to play the piano and hand us all out sheet music. I am now 36 years old but will always remember that. I’m one of the blessed ones. We still say grace at Nana’s (her daughters) my mum‘s mum. Blessed to be brought up with such a beautiful loving Celtic family. 2nd generation Australian. i’d like to know our family tree.
